May 18th 2015

My scheduled check up appointment for my 33weeks of pregnancy was to be May 20th 2015. However, my partner decided to take me to the doctor on Monday May 18, 2015 since he was really tired to go to work and decided to attend to myself and our little one.

The Friday before, May 15, 2015 was my surprise baby shower.

Arriving at the care center (Belize Medical Associates) I was sent do ultrasound, the doctor called and asked for them to attend me ahead of anyone that was already there. I still did not think he had an idea of the fact that I'm carrying a sick child. Calmly, doing my ultrasound the radiologist said nothing other than that he is moving with lots of energy. The doctor then came to the radiologist room and asked for results to be rapidly processed. At that moment we thought something is going on that we are not being told. I thought maybe he saw signs before but was not sure he wanted to give me more time. I thought, why rush me ahead of those that were there before me waiting, and why rush for results? Then Dr. Coye came to us and asked us to follow him to the office.

Calling us into his office he explained what is Congenital diaphragmatic Hernia And out right told us no where in our country, Belize can help an unborn baby with this sickness. 

I come from Belize, a third world country, I believe that says enough about our health system.

I had no way out other than delivering my child in the US since he would die the minute he was born if he did not have the medical attention he needs.

Lost and confused, crying we left the office heading to our car calling our parents confused as to what is next for us. First time parents, I weight 101 pounds before pregnancy, petite and thought maybe my body was just too small to carry a baby, maybe I had done some wrong things in the past that I was going to pay for, but what bad decisions or wrong things could I have done for my child to be paying the cost. At the time in ones pain we only ask God why? why? and why?

Never ever getting a response as to why? but we hoped for the best to reach out and receive excellent medical treatment.

Not knowing how the health system works in the US, not having any family that would know about CDH and which hospitals have experienced in working with CDH babies. We only tore ourselves more apart, googling and calling hospitals, being transferred from one line to the other being international patients.

Until two days later we received a call from a Good friend of My father in law, Mr Nelson Gallardo. Mr Nelson explained he has a brother in Miami that has information on a hospital near him that has worked with CDH babies. We were super happy to know God has answered our prayers. We were connecting on the side with "World Pediatric Project" In Belize, but their process was a bit lengthy. I was already 33 weeks pregnant and needed urgent attention as i also had excessive amniotic fluid that could trigger early labor. Gathering all our stuff saying quick good byes to close family members only, we left May 21st, 2015. Many people assumed I only wanted to have an American child, and criticized when they were told that we left but no one really knew why we rushed and the ache we were leaving with.

My mother in law "Irma Garbutt" was by my side every step of the way. She left her entire family to be by my side and her grandson "Cecil Kobe Garbutt" better known as CK.

Cecil was his grandfathers name and Kobe was due to the fact that Kobe Bryant was his mule.

While on the plane scared to go into labor due to the pressure I sat quietly in the corner wanting to pee badly but too scared to even stand up and find the bathroom, 

America is very advanced with technology and I thank god to be given the opportunity to deliver my prince where he would have the necessary care at its best.

At no point I was focused on having an American' baby. I could care less about nationality all I wanted was for my prince to come to this world safe an sound with God looking over him. 

This was the beginning of my journey in Florida. 


  1. This breaks my heart,but you are so strong Deyanie! 💖

    1. Thank you for the support Cherrange 💞


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