
         Cecil was very labile in the ending of July to beginning days of August, on HFOV (High Fregquency Ventilation) requiring high Fio2 and Delta P up to 48;weaned off NO (Nitric Oxide). Albuterol and pulmocort added were added to his IV medications. Respiratory status improved after starting low dose dopamine drip to keep systemic blood pressures above the pulmonary blood pressures, which significantly helped him to wean in his oxygen requirements from 70-80% to 25-35% which was great news, he was now requiring much less oxygen than before. the settings were changed from HFOV to SIMV. SIMV is still on the same machine but lower settings, therefore it is no longer doing the breathing but "assisting" with his breathing. He had less fluid in the area of his left lung.           He finally came off his sedation with versed drip , Fentanyl drip transitioned to Methadone PO meaning it is given orally, through his feeding tube.          August 11 2015 to August 27 20
       Cecil Kobe underwent Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia repair on July 2, 2015. He did well for the first day but decompensated hemodynamically over the next 3 to 5 days and required ECMO. remember I explained that ECMO gives an infant a low chance of survival and recovery form CDH.      July 7, 2015 1:30 A.M sound asleep we received a phone call, Attending doctor for the night shift called to inform of the fight CK was putting up and they needed my consent to place him on ECMO. Waking out of your sleep to such terrible news is surely not a feeling I wish on anyone, being that I already knew what ECMO is and the effects of it on an infant made me anxious, mad and hurt all at the same time. I would not refuse for him to go on ECMO, without it he would die there and then, but with it there is a chance to make it. I had to take that chance and believe in God and his works. I gave them the go ahead for the procedure and neither his dad or myself could go back to sleep, so we stayed up
Hello Bloggers,          I must first excuse myself for my absence in posting. As his birthday passed and the hardest decisions and startling moments came closer in time of posting my heart was growing heavy and unable to simply express as I was doing before. Therefore, i decided to take a break and gather myself and to be reminded of the reason I blog and who is the focus in my postings. Cecil Kobe Garbutt! Day 3 in the life of CK Garbutt: July 2, 2015     Studies had proven to doctors and surgeons that repairing CDH immediately after birth lead to a very high percentage in the loss of infant lives. They now allow newborns to have stable vitals before any procedure is done. Day three 9:00 A.M I was released from the hospital. I had signed the papers for his surgery the day before so surgery had no specific time. Until after being released the surgeons were near his bed side when i passed by before heading to the apartment and explained that they believe he is now ready and 3:00

Birthday In Heaven

  Cecil Kobe Garbutt June 29th 2015 Happy 1st Birthday In Heaven                                                             Auntie Jai, Cousin Kourtney & Mommy Glama, Ampa & Daddy                                                                                              Birthday Gifts, are being sent, on the wings of an angel to where you went.   Many times we forget our loved ones who have passed away and not take the initiative to create unique things to excite their birthdays, especially birthdays to angels. As a little baby boy CK was surely an angel without a single sin on his soul, therefore we decide to celebrate his birthday as God has gained an angel. An angel next to him to guide his family and be the intermediator been God and US.  I’m sending a dove to Heaven with a parcel on its wings .. Be careful when you open it as it’s full of beautiful things. Inside, are a million kisses wrapped up in a million hugs
     Day 2 In the life of Cecil Kobe Garbutt was pretty much calm as he had continuous medication of sedation. Babies that are intubated cannot have a normal lifestyle of a young baby, they cannot move around, get hyper or excited and rarely even play. CK had a LOT of energy from when he was in my tummy, especially whenever I would take in my Caramel Frappe from McDonald, I craved McDonald Frappe Daily. Therefore, Sedation was a MUST. CDH babies have numerous tests and procedures that need to complete right after birth. Tests such as crays, blood tests, blood pressure, echocardiogram and other monitoring procedures which they were unable to do while in the womb. Inside the womb the ultrasound only shows CDH, generally, but does not show the severity, or how much work will need to be done when baby is born.        Remember I mentioned, he was born a little purple color and not crying, known as "Cyanotic" which some doctors do prefer they do not cry and strain their underdev
     June 29th 3:00 AM was the last time i was touched with any needle or medication, they were simply waiting and giving my cervix time to dilate. 7:00 PM i was on the phone with Ms Eunice Garbutt, a family member when suddenly i felt this warm water flow down (My water bag broke). I was in shock that i even felt it since the lower part of my body was numb, I immediately asked for the doctors to come in and check me out. At the time i had no idea it was my water bag (first time mom) I just felt this warm water flow down and I asked them to come in, upon checking the cervix, I was up and ready to go. Doctors came in, Pediatricians, Neonatologist, Anesthesiologist.. My delivery team of doctors were gathering and CK team of doctors were arriving into the room also. 7:30 and we were up and running!      I wont go in detail here to the pushing and all that, but I do remember saying; "I cant breathe" and the nurse responded; "But you're talking, how can you not breathe?

Stages to Delivery of CKG

June 26th 2015 Derick arrived in Miami, Dinner date was very much needed to catch up and socialize and prepare myself mentally and emotionally for what's to come, only two days away! Saturday June 27th was a relaxing day to do little run around and shopping of stuff I might need while in the hospital. Still I did not feel I was fully prepared but what could I do? Just gotta get in there and do what's best for CK, all about him and not about me. Sunday June 28th 2015 3:00 P.M we went to a church service with Mr Luis in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. Coming out of church at 6:00 P.M we drove to downtown Miami which was 1 hour away. My schedule was for 8:00 P.M to start the process to delivery. Jackson Memorial Hospital (Women's Clinic). Checked in at 7:45, dressed in my gown, first time mom; thinking what the pain will be like what will be the outcome of my little boy and his health. Being a big hospital doctors and nurses Run around A LOT attending to other patients but, the