Day 2 In the life of Cecil Kobe Garbutt was pretty much calm as he had continuous medication of sedation. Babies that are intubated cannot have a normal lifestyle of a young baby, they cannot move around, get hyper or excited and rarely even play.
CK had a LOT of energy from when he was in my tummy, especially whenever I would take in my Caramel Frappe from McDonald, I craved McDonald Frappe Daily. Therefore, Sedation was a MUST.
CDH babies have numerous tests and procedures that need to complete right after birth. Tests such as crays, blood tests, blood pressure, echocardiogram and other monitoring procedures which they were unable to do while in the womb. Inside the womb the ultrasound only shows CDH, generally, but does not show the severity, or how much work will need to be done when baby is born. 
     Remember I mentioned, he was born a little purple color and not crying, known as "Cyanotic" which some doctors do prefer they do not cry and strain their underdeveloped lungs. Holtz Children Hospital being as experienced as they are were very well prepared to resuscitate if needed, which was what happened with CK in this case.
     CDH babies are also known to be connected with other birth defects such, central nervous system, cardiovascular, skeletal, gastrointestinal, abnormalities such as trisomy 21 (down syndrome). When he was about three months they did down syndrome, skin abnormality and other tests for abnormality and every test was perfectly fine, Minus the Cardiovascular which was his main strain in life as a CDH baby.  
     CK was sedated from birth all the way to the end of his time, however his body was getting so use to it at age four months and five months, the nurses were scared of him, the sedation medication "Ativan" would not put him to sleep.
    Such an innocent little boy being pricked from all corners and just laying there under heavy medications not being able to be open those precious little eyes and see his loved ones, or feel the light of the day. All he knew about life outside the womb was the vibration of the machine from the inside of his body.
     While in the hospital they came in to visit about signing papers for his CDH repair procedure along with explaining risks and advantages, the process and the patience the journey needs.
   I stayed 2 nights in the hospital after delivery, the day after delivery I was still feeling a little dizzy i was unable to walk, the length of that hospital and walking would of killed me but I really wanted to see my little prince, they took me in a wheel chair to see him.

Today's posting is a bit short as I am preparing for His Birthday tomorrow June 29th and will have another posting before the end of the week of how special the birthday of an angel can mean to us as his family and to others who have lost a child. 


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